The roux Lab
Roux Lab Alumni & Current Position
Product Sales Specialist, Abbelight. Paris, France.
Post-Doctoral scientist, Diana Pinheiro group, IST Austria, Vienna, Austria.
Post-Doctoral Fellow (SNF and EMBO), Rapoport's lab, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Scientific Communication Officer, Cytosurge Inc., Zurich and City Cancer Challenge, Geneva, Switzerland.
Staff Scientist, ACCESS Geneva, Platform of high throughput microscopy, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland.
Group Leader, Emmy Noether Fellow (DFG), Department of Biochemistry, University of Heidelberg, Germany.
Chargé de Recherche 2ième Classe CNRS, Institut Nanotechnologie de Lyon, UMR 5270, Lyon, France.
Associate Professor, non-tenured, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
Laura Houzet
Post-Doctoral fellow (EMBO fellowship), Janet Iwasa’s lab, University of Utah, Salt-Lake City, USA
Data Safety manager, United Biosource LLC (UBC Pharmaceutical services), Geneva.
Staff Scientist, Novartis, Basel, Switzerland.
Group Leader at Biofisika Institute in Bilbao, Spain, recipient of the Ramon y Cajal fellowship and of the Ikerbasque fellowship.
Scientific Engineer, Microscopy Platform for Life Sciences, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.